Monday, June 07, 2004

June 7, 2004

I am a notoriously poor keeper of records; a lapsed diarist. it hasn’t always been this way. I do think it important to journal one’s life and thoughts, to forge understanding of one’s own world by tracking it oneself.

There was a time when I did this religiously and assiduously for three years straight; then I turned 15, and in one of these landmark teenage moments, my mother read my diary in search of the reasons I was becoming unmanageable and failing my classes. I don’t need to begin to tell you what she found there. She confiscated the diary, as court exhibit #1A, fot the day I have children of my own.

I tried to keep a diary again. In fact, I began immediately, but I was shook. I couldn’t be sure it wouldn’t be read again the next time I fucked up, so I censored heavily. Soon keeping the diary didn’t serve any purpose, since I couldn’t put what I really thought, allude to any of my actual activities in the journal.

So I’m an adult, and as fate would have it, a writer. This is my second attempt at establishing a regular public journal and hopefully the fact that now my site is a bit easier to navigate, will encourage my new attempt at organization of all things; my life, my thoughts, my in-process history. Watch me while I work.

Books to catch:
Patrick Rosal’s “Uprock headspin scramble and dive” Persea Books 2003. he features for us today, and he is ‘tha hotness’. Patrick Rosal does everything i do, but does it so much better. this is why i need to start my MFA immediately. see you all soon.


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